Aerolíneas Ejecutivas is a variable capital corporation established in Toluca International Airport, Ex. Hacienda Canalejas, Calle 2 Lotes 14-18, CP 50200, Toluca, State of Mexico and telephone (722) 279-1600, as Head of the protection of personal data has designated for such purposes as the "Committee for Protection of Personal Data" in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, Aerolíneas Ejecutivas, SA de .CV (hereinafter "ALE") makes the following guidelines knowledge about this Privacy Notice:
a) Full name
b) Email
c) Company where the client works
d) Address: Street Address, Neighborhood, Delegation or municipality, state, city and zip code
e) Phone number
f) Fax number
In addition to the data above, when the client makes a service request the following personal data are collected:
g) RFC
h) Account Number
i) Bank
j) Name Holder
II) ALE collects statistical information that allows us to track the frequency of visits to our website and its sections and such information is stored securely on a server that does not have internet access.
III) ALE don’t rent or sell personal information to third parties, however it can use the information collected for statistical purposes and marketing, ie information on the provision of a service so it does not violate the Federal Law of Personal Data Held by individuals.
IV) The content of this site is aimed at providing its visitors the facility to meet in a general (and as nearly as possible) the services provided ALE, more does not imply or warrant that the information contained herein may meet accuracy requirements, detail, accuracy and veracity required by visitors, so if the customer wishes to obtain accurate and specific information (including quotations, contracts, applications, and / or services) may make inquiries it deems relevant through this means or expressly indicated on this site.
V) The information contained in our website, unless explicitly provided otherwise, should not be regarded in any way as making a contract offer made to the client.
VI) Any comments, suggestion, proposal, studio, supply or generally any information that the customer sends via email and / or phone and / or fax and / or any other means of communication relating to this site does not imply acceptance of ALE in any commitment or obligation to the client.
VII) ALE has a database subject to the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, so that under the provisions of this privacy policy, when you make an inquiry or set a business or contractual relationship, ALE asks for your permission to use your personal data and puts at your disposal for any request for access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (the “ARCO Rights") related to your personal data this proceeding to request any information related to the processing of personal data or exercise of any of the ARCO rights recognized by the aforementioned law, without thereby its right to do so in person at our offices is limited.
1. The holder of personal data or his legal representative would be enabled to request the exercise of their ARCO rights to ALE who is responsible for protecting personal data.
2. The receipt of the request to exercise ARCO rights, may be through:
a) Website www.aerolineasejecutivas.com
b) Email to the Committee for Protection of Personal Data at the following address: atenciondatos@aerolineasejecutivas.com
c) Written delivered directly at our offices located at: International Airport Toluca, Ex Hacienda Canalejas, Calle 2 Lotes 14-18, CP 50200, Toluca, State of Mexico.
3. ALE offers the following format attached to this Privacy Policy (the "Request ARCO rights") so we ask that document accompanying the proof of identity of the applicant or legal representative, as applicable.
4. The Data Protection Committee will reply to your request no later than twenty days from the date you received your Request ARCO Rights, to the effect that, if accepted, it becomes effective within fifteen days from the date in which it it was accepted.
VIII) We reserve the right to make changes at any time or update this privacy policy to the attention of legislative features, internal policies, new requirements for providing or offering our services or products and market practices. These changes will be available to the public through the following means:
k) Visible ads on our premises.
l) In our website www.aerolineasejecutivas.com
m) In the email that you have provided.
IX) In accordance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private information itself is subject to the provisions of the Act and other federal and local regulations, so at the request of judicial or administrative authorities in the relevant field ALE have your information as you dictate the appropriate authorities.
X) Dear customer, you are notified that the Privacy policy has been changed on June 15, 2012.